Welcome to our Gardens!

Woodcrest Daylilies Garden

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC, located at 603 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz PA, is a licensed Daylily Nursery with themed garden display beds, open to the public for tours.

Daylilies, as their botanical name "Hemerocallis" implies, are "beautiful for a day" perennial, flowering plants. Even though each bloom only lasts for one day, plants have several "scapes" (stems), that can average 10 to 16 or more blooms, allowing that plant to flower with color for many weeks. Many plants will even have "re-blooms" to keep your garden filled with beautiful color throughout the entire summer and well into the fall season! Native to Eurasian countries, Daylilies are very hearty plants that require very little care, providing spectacular beauty for even the novice gardener.


The "Pink Breast Cancer Ribbon of Hope" bed photographed by Melanie Hummer Photography

Our themed, display gardens here at Woodcrest Daylilies are a prime example of how these very special plants can be used to beautify even the most typical, residential yard.


"We Love Bicycling" bed photographed by Melanie Hummer Photography

For the past several years, Michelle Bingham and Denise Freeman, co-owners and creators of Woodcrest Daylilies LLC, have nurtured their garden to create the ever changing pallet of color Mother Nature has provided. Beds are meticulously arranged to highlight the broad selection of colors, petal forms and various plant heights available. Our garden begins to bloom in mid June and will be filled with beautiful color all summer long and well into the fall.


"Under the Old Maple Tree" bed photographed by Melanie Hummer Photography

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC., now has eleven themed beds and we are always working on creative ways to add new ones! The public is invited to stroll through our gardens Sundays in July from 9 am to 4 pm. Yes! We will be open for July 4th! Or feel free to stop by if you see us in the garden...we love visitors! Or by appointment and we can help you pick out a favorite daylily to purchase for your own garden. Check out our "Schedule of Events" page for dates, times and locations of various events we have planned for the season.


"Hawaii", The "Hershey Kiss" and the "Goose Bed" photographed by Melanie Hummer Photography

We can be found at local farmers markets and are a Pennsylvania licensed nursery. Please check our facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/WoodcrestDaylilies/, or our website for dates or call 717-626-6154 to make an appointment to visit our garden for a more personal tour.


Our Guardian Angel photographed by Melanie Hummer Photography

We are members of the American Hemerocallis Society (AHA), the Delaware Valley Daylily Society (DVDS) and are a Pennsylvania licensed nursery, with over 700 varieties of Daylilies. Our full sales inventory can be found on "Daylilies for Sale" page.


The "Little Bird Bath" Bed and our buddy "Bugz" photographed by Melanie Hummer Photography

Don’t forget your camera! Photographers love to visit our garden, especially during the peak bloom season in July! Painters are also welcome for some “En plein air” painting.

July's Peak Bloom in the Garden

July's Peak Bloom in the Garden 2014

Thank you for visiting our website!

Follow us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/WoodcrestDaylilies/
Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/WoodcrestDaylilies/

Check out Zach Sowers videos of our garden!
Woodcrest Daylilies Peak Daylily Bloom 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVgO1ynaEEw
Woodcrest Daylilies Spring Daffodil Bloom 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru1PfcEj7mg

Visit Lancaster County Magazine website to read this featured article on Woodcrest Daylilies LLC!

2025 Summer Hours By Appointment (Please Email)
Open Garden in July on Sundays 9-4. No Appointment Necessary

eGift Cards are available here - https://squareup.com/gift/CHB2V4DWRKCD3/order

Contact Info

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC
603 Woodcrest Ave.
Lititz Pa 17543
Lily Auction Username:Missyb

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