Cloudy Day*

Currently Unavailable

cloudy day

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC

Cloudy Day

Cloudy Day*

(Holmes-S., 2016)
Height 28 inches (71 cm), Bloom size 6.5 inches (17 cm), Bloom Season Mid, Dormant, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 4 branches, Dusty rose pink with a paler watermark and edge, along with clear green throat, watermark and petals have some veining, watermark color is present within the veining on the edge of the petals. ((sdlg × Impressionist Sky) × (sdlg × Queensbury Rules))

Contact Info

Woodcrest Daylilies LLC
603 Woodcrest Ave.
Lititz Pa 17543
Lily Auction Username:Missyb

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